What we do
What we do

Women Empowerment

Child Protection

Civic Education

Public Litigation
Specific Focus Areas
- Civic Education -It conducts targeted civic educations programs, organizes public forums, workshops, and training programs, and issues press releases.
- Advocacy: Encourages people in Bay, Bakooland Lower Shabelle regions’ acceptance of all international conventions, covenants, charters, and declarations that are concerned with Human Rights. Organizes seminars, workshops, panel discussions, lectures, and public debates on issues of concern to the general public. Conducts research on current issues of public concern to influence policymakers to develop new and review existing laws and rules.
- Monitoring: -It conducts investigations, monitors human rights violations, conducts an investigation, the implementation of international human rights instrument, respect for human rights, respect for the Rule of Law and Due Process.
- Public Litigation: -It handles specific cases on behalf of victims of human rightsviolations and offers legal support and counselling service for same.
- Election Observation: -It offers voters’ education to the public; selects, orients anddeploys election observers; compiles, publishes and distributes reports on the results of elections.
- Translation: -Translates (into local languages), publishes and distributes covenants,conventions and other relevant human rights instruments to create awareness in the general public